Food Cuisine

Delight Your Taste Buds With Best Pakistani Sohan Halwa Recipe 2024


Pakistani Sohan Halwa Recipe is a dessert with a long history in Pakistani cuisine. It is a fusion of tastes, textures, and customs. This post will take you on a culinary tour to learn the techniques behind creating this well-known dessert.

Pakistani Sohan Halwa Recipe

Historical Importance: 

Sohan Halwa's Origins can be found in Multan. This city is well-known for both its rich cultural heritage and historical relevance. This recipe has been passed down through the generations, creating a gastronomic legacy that is timeless. This meal is a sign of happiness and community because it is often associated with festivals, special occasions, and festivities.

Ingredients-A Symphony of Flavors 

The foundation of Sohan Halwa lies in the simplicity and high quality of its components. The major ingredients are wheat flour, sugar, milk, and gram flour. Almonds, cashews, pistachios, clarified butter, and ghee are also included. Each component adds to the distinct texture and flavor of halwa, resulting in a symphony of ingredients combined in harmony.

Art of Roasting:

The skill of roasting is the first step in making the ideal Sohan Halwa. A heavy-bottomed pan dripping with melted ghee serves as the canvas for the wheat and gram flour. Mixing the ingredients over low heat turns this recipe into a golden brown beauty. The first step toward perfection is signaled by the mixture's enticing scent of nuts.

Pakistani Sohan Halwa Recipe

Making the Sweet Alchemy:

A crucial potion for this sweet alchemy is made separately. Sugar and water are combined to create a syrup with a one-string consistency. The sugary elixir is soon to be combined with the roasted flour and creates the heart of Sohan Halwa.

Merging worlds - Flours Meets Syrup: 

The sugar syrup embraces roasted flour with a slow, deliberate pour. A vigorous stirring is followed by a spatula ballet to ensure the union. The flame dances under the pan and the mixture thickens as it clings to the sides. The culinary symphony has begun.

Spices and Nuts - Adding Character:

 A sprinkle of finely chopped almonds, pistachios, and cashews, along with a dash of cardamom, elevates the halwa into a sensory delight. Cardamom's distinctive fragrance is infused into the nuts. These include finely chopped cashews and almonds. Saffron's golden color adds an air of royalty to this simple yet elegant dessert.

The Culmination Of Consistency: 

Halwa undergoes additional alterations when milk is added. Stirring produces a well-balanced mixture. The mixture thickens and takes on the consistency of halwa. Accuracy and patience are needed to maintain the delicate equilibrium. The halwa hints that it's the last stop on this culinary adventure.

 Artistic presentation: 

The final masterpiece is painted on a greased tray or plate. A spatula is used to spread the hot halwa onto the surface. The canvas is decorated with chopped nuts that are gently pressed into the halwa. This last touch adds not only visual appeal but also promises a delicious crunch with every bite.

Cooling Ritual and Cutting Ritual: 

At room temperature, the halwa cools slowly. The halwa retains its warmth and is pliable, which makes it ideal for the next step: cutting. The traditional shapes such as squares and diamonds are meticulously crafted to honor the rich cultural heritage of each piece. The halwa will hold its final shape, so this step requires a delicate hand.

Serving Traditions and Storing: 

The Sohan Halwa can be eaten once it has cooled down and been cut. Each piece, a testimony to the artistry, is stored in an airtight container. This sweet treat has a shelf-life of several days. It is not just a momentary pleasure, but also a lasting one.

Pakistani Sohan Halwa Recipe


  • 1 cup semolina (sooji)
  • 1 cup clarified butter (ghee)
  • Sugar, 1 cup
  • One cup of water
  • 1 cup milk
  • 1 cup chopped nuts
  • Cardamom powder, 1/2 teaspoon
  • Optional: A pinch of saffron (optional).


  • Heat ghee and roast the semolina until it is golden brown. Stir constantly to prevent burning.
  • Combine water, milk, and sugar in a separate pan. Stirring to dissolve the sugar, bring to a rolling boil.
  • After the semolina has been roasted, add the hot liquid mix slowly, stirring constantly to prevent lumps.
  • Stir continuously as you cook the mixture at low heat until it starts to thicken and start to leave the sides.
  • Mix well. Add the cardamom powder (if you are using it) and saffron threads. Mix well.
  • Continue to cook the mixture until it reaches a consistency similar to halwa.
  • Pour the halwa on a tray or plate that has been greased with ghee. It can be flattened with a spatula.
  • Let the halwa cool down and set for several hours. Once it has setbeen, you can cut the halwa into your desired shapes.

Pakistani Sohan Halwa Recipe


1. What is Sohan Halwa ?

Sohan Halwa is a Multan-based traditional Pakistani sweet that has been enjoyed for centuries. It is a dense and chewy confection that is made of a mixture consisting of wheat flour, sugar, ghee (clarified butter), milk, gram flour, and various nuts.

2. What makes Sohan halwa special?

Sohan Halwa has a unique flavor that is nutty and rich. It also has a chewy texture. Its unique taste is a result of the combination of roasted wheat flour, ghee, and sugar syrup with a variety of nuts.

3. Can the nuts in Sohan Halwa be customized?

Absolutely! Nuts can be chosen according to your taste. Almonds, cashews, and pistachios are the most common nuts, but you can also experiment with other nuts to create a unique taste.

4. How difficult is it to make Sohan Halwa at home?

Sohan Halwa is not complicated, but it does require attention to detail. It is important to be patient when roasting and stirring. You can achieve the desired results by following the recipe and tips.

5. Can Sohan Halwa be made ahead?

You can make Sohan Halwa ahead of time. After it has cooled, cut it into pieces and store it at room temperature in an airtight container. It keeps for several days and is a great dessert for special occasions.


Every bite of Pakistani Sohan halwa carries the heritage of a culinary legacy that has stood the test of time. As you embark on the journey of making Sohan Halwa, remember that every step is a tribute to pride and a tribute to artistry in transforming simple ingredients into a culinary wonder.

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